TL;DR When deploying Azure OpenAI models in AI Foundry Portal you might enable processing your data outside of the data residency region....
Network Security Groups in Azure give the possibility of doing some simple ACL filtering between - and inside of - subnets, or directly on NICs.
read moreWindows Server 2016 updates slow? Try disabling Real-Time Windows Defender Scanning during install:
read moreEncountered an issue where the Citrix related services on Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller 7.
read moreLong time no post! Been working with an implementation of Azure MFA On-Premises Server, and encountered some issues while enabling replication between servers.
read moreI recently was tasked with troubleshooting a malfunctioning Relying Party Trust on a customers AD FS.
read moreJust had an issue at a customers where the Outlook 2016 would start asking for username and password when MFA was activated at AD FS (AD FS 4.
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